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07 / 25
Corten steel bbq grill
Is Corten steel fire resistant?Can it be used for BBQ?
Our corten steel grills are fire resistant and have many advantages, including maintenance and longevity. In addition to its high strength, corten steel is also a low-maintenance steel. The corten steel grill is not only good looking but also functional, it is durable, weather and heat resistant, its high heat resistance can be used on outdoor grills or stoves, heating up to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit (559 degrees Celsius) for Burn, smoke and season food. This high heat quickly crisps the steak and locks in the juices. So its practicality and durability are beyond doubt.
07 / 21
Does my Corten planter contaminate the surrounding area with rust or runoff?
We are often asked whether the weathering steel planter can contaminate the adjacent area by producing rust runoff or by making direct contact with the surface on which the planter is located. Below are some photos of the Corten Planter, which has been weathering in the same spot on the terrace for about four months. The outside of the planter is completely covered with rust, and patina will act as a protective layer against further corrosion of the planter's outer walls. From the picture you can see that there is almost no rust (hardly any). By this time the drill will have weathered and th
07 / 15
corten steel BBQ
Large corten steel BBQ with perfect outdoor atmosphere in winter
Fire, barbecue and comfort in nature - create joyful and blissful experiences.Our products are suitable for outdoor gathering places with fireplaces and barbeques, creating the perfect environment for spending a comfortable time with family and friends.
07 / 11
corten steel garden screen
Indoor Household Corten Steel Garden Screen
Our AHL corten steel design ensures that your home and garden will add artistic flavor. Inspired by abstract art, it is the perfect screen that brings you to your own private paradise. Complete the beautiful and weathered corten screenings over time.
07 / 06
corten steel planter
Large round garden planter of weathering steel
The planter is made of metal by skilled craftsmen utilizing precise folding of the metal, using welding during the manufacturing process, and assembling five plates into a rectangle. Planter plates interlock to form an incredible solid plant container that can hold large plants.
06 / 27
corten steel planter
Corten Steel Garden Edging: DIY Lawn Edging Guide To Boost Curb Appeal
Ready to easily upgrade your outdoor area? Corten steel landscape edges are a quick and relatively inexpensive solution to enhance the roadside appeal of your home. Edges define the yard by highlighting each area with borders that provide beautiful clean lines. Finding the best landscaped edges for your property can be overwhelming as there are many different edge materials to choose from.
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