Te rino Corten o waho Paraera BBQ me te tunutunu
Kainga > Kaupapa
He whakairo maitai Corten me te arai wai

He whakairo maitai Corten me te arai wai

He whakairo me te arai wai tenei i roto i tetahi o nga mahi toi maitai corten, he ahurei te tae o te rustic whero-parauri, hei kawe mai i te oranga ki te whakairo Buddha a te kiritaki, engari hei kawe i te ahua o te paparanga ki te whenua.
Rā :
[!--lang.Add--] :
Hua :
Toi whakarewa
Nga Kaihanga Hangarau :
Ko te roopu hokohoko o nga AHL CORTEN

Tiria :

Ko te tae rustic ahurei o te whakairo rino corten, i honoa ki te arai wai, ka mau te ora ki te whakairo Buddha i mua, he roa, he pai ki te taiao.

Ko te whakairo corten corten moon gate with waterwall he mea whakahau na tetahi kaihoahoa Amerika. I a ia e hoahoa ana i ana whakairo Buddha ma, i kitea e ia te papamuri he kore tae, he ahua hoha, me te taapiri i etahi mea ora. I muri iho ka kitea e ia ko te ahua o te tae rustic o nga mahi toi maitai corten ka hoatu ki a Buddha te ahua o te paparanga. Whai muri i tana korero i te whakaaro whanui, kua puta mai e te roopu hoahoa a AHL CORTEN he whakairo kuaha o te marama e rite ana ki te rama o Buddha me te taapiri i te huānga rere o te wai. I whakaotia e matou tenei mahi toi i roto i te wa poto rawa atu, ka tino makona te kaihoko ki nga mahi toi whakarewa.

Ko te whakairo toi whakarewa a AHL Corten me te mahi hanga wai ko:
tuhi - > anga anga, paru ranei te whakapumautanga puranga (kaihoahoa, kaihoko ranei) - > te punaha pokepokea - > hua kua oti - > nga taera whakakoi - > waikura tae - > takai

Putumōhio Whakamārama

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Whakakiia te Uiuitanga
I muri i te whiwhinga o to patai, ka whakapiri atu a maatau kaimahi ratonga kiritaki ki a koe i roto i nga haora 24 mo te korero taipitopito!
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